Economic Empowerment through Skill Development A Study of SBI RSETIs and their Influence on SC/ST Youth Entrepreneurship in Telangana, India

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Vinay Kumar Yedurudona
K. Krishna Reddy


This research investigates the impact of State Bank of India Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (SBI RSETIs) on the entrepreneurial endeavours of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) youth in Telangana, India. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of SBI RSETI programs in promoting economic empowerment among marginalized communities, particularly SC/ST youth, through skill development and entrepreneurship. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather comprehensive data from SBI RSETI participants. The key findings reveal significant improvements in entrepreneurial skills, access to financial resources, and income generation among SC/ST youth following their participation in SBI RSETI programs. Moreover, the study highlights the role of SBI RSETIs in fostering inclusive growth, reducing socio-economic disparities, and promoting sustainable livelihoods among marginalized communities in Telangana. The implications of the findings for policy and practice underscore the importance of investing in skill development initiatives targeting marginalized groups to create pathways to economic self-reliance and inclusive development.


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How to Cite
Yedurudona, V. K., & Reddy , K. K. . (2024). Economic Empowerment through Skill Development: A Study of SBI RSETIs and their Influence on SC/ST Youth Entrepreneurship in Telangana, India. M. S. Ramaiah Management Review <span style="font-Size: 16px;"> ISSN (Print) - 0975-7988</span≫, 15(01), 1–10. Retrieved from