Social Sciences and Sustainable Development A Survey on Community Participation in Environmental Conservation Initiatives

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Yannam Venkata Mallikarjuna Reddy
Shivdasini Singh Amin


This research paper investigates community participation in environmental conservation initiatives in India, aiming to fill a significant gap in the literature on this topic. Through a mixed-methods approach, including a structured survey questionnaire administered to 300 individuals from diverse geographical locations across India, the study explores the motivations, barriers, and perceived benefits associated with community engagement in conservation efforts. The survey instrument was designed to capture key dimensions of community participation, including levels of involvement, motivations, perceived benefits, and barriers to engagement. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative insights from open-ended survey responses were thematically analyzed.

The key findings of the study highlight the central role of environmental concern as a primary motivation driving community participation, with participants citing improved environmental quality and strengthened community bonds as key benefits of engagement. However, barriers such as lack of awareness and limited resources were identified as challenges to participation. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of community-led approaches to environmental conservation in India, offering valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to promote sustainable development and environmental stewardship.


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How to Cite
Mallikarjuna Reddy, Y. V. ., & Amin, S. S. . (2024). Social Sciences and Sustainable Development: A Survey on Community Participation in Environmental Conservation Initiatives. M. S. Ramaiah Management Review <span style="font-Size: 16px;"> ISSN (Print) - 0975-7988</span≫, 15(01), 82–92. Retrieved from