Assessing the Robustness and Financial Effectiveness of Private Sector Banks (PVB) in India An In-Depth Analysis Utilizing the CAMEL Rating Framework

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The banking industry holds a significant role in shaping economic growth and upholding a nation’s financial stability. The assessment of a bank’s financial performance is crucial for its stakeholders as it enables them to make pivotal decisions. The paper aims to evaluate and rank the financial outcomes of ten privately owned bank in India over the time frame of ten years (2014-2023). The study uses financial ratios calculated under each of CAMEL (Capital Adequacy, Asset quality, Managerial Efficacy, Earnings profitability, and Liquidity) to give a view on banks strengths and weaknesses. According to the results, HDFC tops the ranking followed by IndusInd and Kotak Mahindra Bank. These results provide knowledge on risk level of respective banks  and thus helps in decision making.


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How to Cite
C, I. (2024). Assessing the Robustness and Financial Effectiveness of Private Sector Banks (PVB) in India: An In-Depth Analysis Utilizing the CAMEL Rating Framework. M. S. Ramaiah Management Review <span style="font-Size: 16px;"> ISSN (Print) - 0975-7988</span≫, 15(01), 34–48. Retrieved from