Identification of Factors to Enhance Emotional Intelligence of Employees and Mitigate Employee Alienation in HEIs during Covid-19 Pandemic

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Nisha Francis
Dr. K M Sharath Kumar


This research aims to identify the key factors to enhance Emotional Intelligence (EI) among faculties and staff as well as mitigate Employee Alienation (EA) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. By virtue of this, HEIs are enabled to effectively connect with their stakeholders (Students, Parents, and Employees) during this pandemic situation. A positive emotional state of employees with enhanced performance are critical to the success of HEIs. In this scenario, Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Employee Alienation (EA) are deemed as critical components in employee performance. However, there is limited literature on EI and EA from Indian HEI perspective

The proposed cross-sectional study collected data from 288 employees of eight Indian HEIs in Bengaluru using stratified sampling technique. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire was carried out using Q-sort technique and Cronbach’s alpha respectively before the questionnaire was administered to the larger population. before the questionnaire was distributed to the larger population. The results were then subjected to the KMO test to determine sampling adequacy and the Bartlett's test of Sphericity to determine suitability for Factor Analysis. To identify the critical factors, descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and linear regression were carried out.

The results showed appropriate factors of EI and EA specific to HEIs during the COVID 19 pandemic. Thus, the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on employee and EA and EI in HEIs was investigated by identifying the underlying issues. As a result, HEIs will be able to connect with their stakeholders in a sustainable manner during pandemic situations.


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How to Cite
Francis, N., & K M, S. K. (2023). Identification of Factors to Enhance Emotional Intelligence of Employees and Mitigate Employee Alienation in HEIs during Covid-19 Pandemic. M. S. Ramaiah Management Review <span style="font-Size: 16px;"> ISSN (Print) - 0975-7988</span≫, 13(02).